Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Little Elf Service

Sometimes our guests are unable to come in to assemble the dinners themselves, and our Little Elf is happy to help:

1. Click on the Monthly Menu and Store Calendar link to the left. Register a log-in if you don't have one already.

2. Choose the 2:00pm Tuesday session and note in Special Instructions when you want to pick up your order, click on “submit” (don’t hit “enter”).

3. Indicate your estimated arrival time and any assembly instructions in the "special request" field upon check out.

*Need less than 36 servings? Place your order via phone 864-879-1313 or email

Please disregard the automatic session reminder and simply bring a cooler at your designated pick-up time. Call us at 864-879-1313 if your estimated arrival time changes. 24 - 48 hours notice would be appreciated since we queue up the assembly line based on pick-up time.

Packaging Fee and FREE Packaging -

There will be an additional $2 per item for the assembly service. An item is a package - regardless the serving size. The fee will be added to your bill upon pick-up. For guests who use Dream Dinners 2-3 times a week, we have a FREE packaging club you may want to consider:

We waive the packaging fee if you submit your order for the following month upon pick-up.

*FREE packaging offer cannot be combined with any other promotions.

Come enjoy a Taste of Dream Dinners - Our Treat!

Share your Secret with 8 to 10 adult friends (from different households) who are new to Dream Dinners. Set aside one evening (call us for evening or daytime options) we will have appetizers for you and your guests to sample, as well as coffee and water available. Want to have a Winey Women Party? Call us and Wine Styles can recommend a delicious wine to compliment our appetizers and deliver it to the store for your party. We will demonstrate the ease and fun of meal assembly and then you and your guests can play! Each guest may make any number of meals to take home to try at regular menu price, no minimum order requirement.

Best of all, for everyone who decides to start planning their monthly family dinner time with us, we will offer 5% when they sign up for a 36 serving (or more) session along with a bonus of $10 credit towards the Hostess’ next monthly session order.

Just think, host your own Party - NO cost for the event and you do not have to clean up a thing! 

Dream Dinners Thornblade “Taste of Dream Dinners” is a excellent way to give your friends a chance to “kick the tires” and is also a great way to help us grow and continue to serve the community. 

Contact us today for available dates: 864-879-1313 or e-mail

Fun Summer Activity or End of the Year Field Trip Idea!

A field trip at our store is Great Fun for the kids and Super Easy for the Adults! It is hands-on food science, and it gives the kids an opportunity to be creative. We cover the set-up, clean-up, and the kids take home their creation for family dinner. Perfect for girl/boy scouts outing or class field trip.

Number of Kids:

Minimum 8 kids and maximum 15 kids (please have at least 1 chaperone per 3-5 kids based on age)


Kids will each make one 3-serving entrée from a list of 3-4 promo options (selected by the store ahead of time) to take home for dinner. Please check with the store for entrée selections since we change menu every month.

Event Flow:

Please allow 1 – 1.5 hours for the activity.

1. Welcome, Introduction and Orientation

2. Demonstration

3. Assembly Stations

4. Taste of Dream Dinners

Special Note:
Please check with your guests about potential allergies. A waiver is required.

$30 per child for 8 – 10 kids. $25 per child for 11-15 kids. Payable a week prior to the event along with 1) their entrée selections, 2) allergy waiver, as well as the names of attending adults. Cookies for each child to take home and bake are included in the price. Adults may order additional meals to assemble at the conclusion.

Feel Free to Bring:
Any special themed plates, napkins, utensils, decorations. Any additional snacks, ice cream, drinks, etc.

Special Events

Dream Dinners Thornblade has so many opportunities for special group events! 

Know someone getting married our about to have a new baby?

Imagine coming back from your honeymoon to a fully stocked freezer or being a New Mom coming home with that new precious little bundle and having everything within a freezers reach for dinner!

Bridal/Baby Showers at Dream Dinners Thornblade are a great way to host a Shower and not have to lift a finger yourself! We do all the prep work and cleaning and you just relax and enjoy the party! Everyone will enjoy appetizers from our current month’s menu and a yummy dessert tray. Coffee and Water are available. You may bring in other beverages, special party napkins, cakes, etc…. if you like.

We also host girl/boy scout troops, school activities to help educate them on food handling and preparation. See our Summer Activity and Field Trip Ideas link.

Want to Share your Secret with Friends? See our Taste of Dream Dinners link.