Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Culinary Kids!

Looking for a FUN Summer activity??

A field trip at our store is great fun for the kids and super easy for the adults! It is hands-on food science, and it gives the kids an opportunity to be creative. We cover the set-up, clean-up, and the kids take home their creation for family dinner. Perfect for summer vacation entertainment, birthday parties, scout outings, etc. . .

Number of Kids:
Ages 6-14
 Minimum 6 kids and maximum 15 kids (please have at least 1 chaperone per 3 kids)


Kids will each make one 3-serving entrée from a list of 3 promo options (selected by the store ahead of time) to take home for dinner. Please check with the store for entrée selections.

Event Flow:

 Please allow 1 – 1.5 hours for the activity.

1. Welcome, Introduction and Orientation

2. Demonstration

3. Assembly Stations

4. Taste of Dream Dinners

Special Note:
** Please check with your guests about potential allergies. A waiver is required.

$20 per child for 6 – 10 kids. $15 per child for 11-15 kids. Confirm a week prior to the event along with: 1) their entrée selections, 2) allergy waiver, as well as the names of attending adults. Cookies for each child to take home and bake are included in the price. Adults may order additional meals to assemble at the conclusion.

Feel Free to Bring:
Special themed plates, napkins, utensils, decorations. Any additional snacks, ice cream, drinks, etc.

www.dreamdinners.com Phone: 864-879-1313 thornbladeprkwysc@dreamdinners.com

Thursday, May 14, 2009

NO Minimum Thursdays

“What’s for Dinner?” That never ending question – no matter where you are and in this economy, we are all exploring new ways to save money for this Summer’s vacation. Come let us tell you how to Save Time, Save Money and Enjoy this Summer vacation!

Mark your calendars - NO Minimum Thursdays

Dream Dinners Thornblade

Thursday, May 21st & 28th

10:00am til 6:30pm

Great way to introduce your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to what we are all about. Stop in for appetizers and make one meal or twenty - it's totally up to you and your friends.

We will host 2-3 Thursdays each month throughout the Summer months. Come in and let us tell you about our exciting New Summer Simplified Program.

You will not want to miss out on this delightful surprise!!

PLEASE RSVP with number in your party - PH: 864-879-1313 or E-Mail: thornbladeprkwysc@dreamdinners.com.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Special Fundraising Event

We are excited to announce a fundraiser for TNT – Team in Training sponsored by Nike to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation. Having a very near and dear to our heart association with the need for research on this deadly disease, we would like to ask each of you to help us sell tickets for this organization.

Natasha Little – one of our dear customers is running this fundraiser to raise money in memory of her sister Michele, who died of cancer in May 2005. Natasha plans to participate in the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. Her personal goal is $5,000.

If you have not already heard about TNT, please know that this is a very serious endeavor. TNT’s training program is very rigorous and you are also tasked with raising money, all this while continuing to work. Natasha is to be commended for her goals, all while running her own franchise, ShowHomes.

We will also be helping Natasha sell tickets to raise money in honor of Ceomi Shanks, a former employee that is currently recovering from bone marrow transplant and chemo therapy in her battle with leukemia.

Check out Ceomi’s blog…


The way it works –

Tickets are sold for $25 each. Ticket holders stop by Dream Dinners Thornblade during regular session times and assemble a 6-serving Dream Dinners Promo Meal of their choice* from the current menu ($20-$30 value). Team in Training will receive $10.00 (40%) for each ticket sold that attends and $25 (100%) for each ticket sold that does not attend a session.

We are asking each person interested to sell 3 tickets. Just think of those friends that have wanted to try Dream Dinners anyway! What a wonderful way to introduce them to Dream Dinners and also help us raise needed funds for Research!

Check out their website…

*There will be 3-4 Promo meals available to choose from. Cannot be combined with any other promotions or offers currently running. All ticket purchases are non-refundable.